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Click on the file name (in blue) to download the file.

  CIMS Files

SMSTX 08.14 - Texas State Requirements - PEIMS 2010-2011 - Students
FMSTX 05.14 - Texas State Requirements - PEIMS 2010-2011 - Employees
Two zipped files containing first submission PEIMS 2010-2011.  


TSSI 04.11 - PRONET - Smart Find Express Interface
TSSI 04.12 - PRONET - Smart Find Express Interface
TSSI 04.13 - PRONET - Smart Find Express Interface
Three zipped files containing updates and documentation for applying them.
They add compatibility for EMS 5.07 and EMS 5.08, along with enhancements for PIN, SFDUAL with IS EMPLOYEE field, removal of comma after MIDDLE INIT, adding sub pay OVERRIDE field.


SMSTX 08.13 - Texas State Requirements - PEIMS 2009-2010 - Students
FMSTX 05.12 - Texas State Requirements - PEIMS 2009-2010 - Employees
Two zipped files containing updates and documentation for applying them.
Both add ETHNICITY forms tracking flags. 2009-2010 requirements.


SMSTX 08.12 - Texas State Requirements - PEIMS 2009-2010 - Students
FMSTX 05.11 - Texas State Requirements - PEIMS 2009-2010 - Employees
Two zipped files containing updates and documentation for applying them.
Both address PEIMS/TREx 2009-2010 requirements.


SMSTX 08.11 - Texas State Requirements - Extended Ethnicity - Students
FMSTX 05.10 - Texas State Requirements - Extended Ethnicity - Employees
Two zipped files containing updates and documentation for applying them.
Both address PEIMS 2009-2010 ethnic requirements.


TSSI 04.07 - PRONET - Smart Find Express Interface
TSSI 04.08 - PRONET - Smart Find Express Interface
TSSI 04.09 - PRONET - Smart Find Express Interface
TSSI 04.10 - PRONET - Smart Find Express Interface/OS400 V5R4

Four zipped files containing updates and documentation for applying them. Since this is a new product interface as opposed to updates to SEMS, multiple updates are required.  


SMSTX 08.07 - Texas State Requirements
SMSTX 08.08 - Texas State Requirements
SMSTX 08.09 - Texas State Requirements
SMSTX 08.10 - Texas State Requirements
Four zipped files containing updates and documentation for applying them. All four updates address PEIMS submission 3 requirements. WinZip or some other unzip utility will be required to open these files.  


SMSTX - Patch for Texas State Requirements
A zipped file containing a patch file for Submission 3 and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

TSSI Patch for Pronet
A zipped file containing a patch file and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

SMSTX 08.05.03 PTF for TREx
A zipped file containing a patch file and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

SMSTX 08.05.02 PTF for TREx
A zipped file containing a patch file and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

2007 1099 Compatibility Patch (TEL Customers ONLY)
A zipped file containing a patch file and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

2007 W2 Compatibility Patch
A zipped file containing a patch file and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

A zipped file containing a patch file and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

A zipped file containing a patch file and documentation for applying the patch. If you are not running Windows XP, you will need some sort of unzip utility like WinZip to open this file.

PEIMS Processing Guide for Student, Summer 2006, Submission 4
A PDF document that contains Texas PEIMS Processing Information for CIMS Student Submission IV.

PEIMS Processing Guide for Student, Summer 2006, Submission 3
A PDF document that contains Texas PEIMS Processing Information for CIMS Student Submission III.

PEIMS Processing Guide for Finance, Midyear 2006-07
A PDF document that contains Texas PEIMS Processing Information for CIMS Finance Submission II.

PEIMS Processing Guide for Finance, Fall 2006
A PDF document that contains all Texas PEIMS Processing Information for CIMS Finance Submission I.

PEIMS Processing Guide for Student, Fall 2006
A PDF document that contains all Texas PEIMS Processing Information for CIMS Student.

Texas State Feature Code Finance Applications User's Guide for FMSTX 4.18
A PDF document that contains a user's guide for FMSTX 4.18

  Miscellaneous Files            

Lost USB Drive Utility
A utility that may be used to help you recover your USB drive in the event it is misplaced.